This is a legacy section that hasn't been updated. Some stuff might not work.

Fine Duoguill Fishmeal

42 Tickets


Name Location
Cave Duoguill biarnocave
Placid Duoguill biarnoriv,bigroof
Nether Duoguill 106,108W,midroof(d),Arlentcave
Blood Duoguill 102N,120NE
Hephaestus, the Absconder midroof
Killer Duoguill 317(lo),320
Thunder Duoguill 311(lo),313W
Electro Duoguill 320
Valeriano, the Rolling Thunder 313W
Bolt Duoguill 308W
Plasma Duoguill waters around abysscave mountain


Name Category
Rain Screen Armor Augments
Built by ζƒ…δΊ‹ζ•